Female Workouts

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This article explains the total concept of female workouts From Small Framed to Big Boned

By Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT

When it comes to changing your body there is a lot you can do with what you have been given, but in the end, you are still stuck with your genetics.

Good news though! You can change the shape of your body through specified nutrition, precise training techniques, and adequate rest for recovery to ensure proper muscle growth. To do this, you need to identify your personal characteristics.

There are three main body types:

1. The Ectomorph - Better know as the hard-gainer 2. The Mesomorph - Referred to as the genetically gifted 3. The Endomorph - Known as big-boned

Rarely is someone specifically one or the other of the three main body types. Many times people will be a mixture of categories, possessing traits of two or more.

In light of that, there are also six subcategories to the three main ones, which are endo- ecto, meso-ecto, endo-meso, ecto-meso, meso-endo, ecto-endo. However, the point of focus on this article is endomorph, those who are big boned and have a difficult time trimming down.

While we are assigned our genetics, you must remember that a number of factors influence them, such as insulin response, metabolism, length of limbs, muscle insertions, type and number of muscle fibers, joint size, fat cells, hormones, and digestive responses.

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The endomorph is large, has a wide bone structure, high waist, and a slow metabolism. This body type is round and soft, and has small hands and feet. The limbs are short, with the upper arms and legs larger than the lower part of the arms and legs, making the physique appear somewhat stocky.

General weight gain and muscle gain are easy, though fat loss is slow and difficult. The endomorph stores more body fat, which hides muscle gains. The goal for the endomorph is body fat reduction and muscle retention. The working factor to produce results is to increase the metabolism with exercise and proper nutrition.

Female Workouts - Resistance Training

Resistance training should involve hitting each muscle group once a week with moderate to high intensity and no more than a minute rest between sets. The idea is to boost the metabolism.

A wide range of variety in the training and changes in the routine every six weeks helps to keep the body in shock and responding. This body type is best to choose three different exercises per body part and shoot for four sets in the 12-15 repetitions range.

In addition, shocking principles work well too, such as drop sets, super sets, negatives, twenty-ones, static training, etc. Always keep the body off guard with your training for continual progress.

Example of good Female Workouts Weight Training:

Monday : Chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs (light cardio)

Tuesday : Cardio

Wednesday : Legs and calves

Thursday : Cardio

Friday : Back, biceps and abs (light cardio)

Saturday : Cardio

Sunday : Off

The cardio after training is optional, however recommended for fat loss.

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The endomorph needs frequent cardio sessions to help prompt fat loss. Focus should be on aerobic conditioning. Engage in cardio 4-6 times a week for 45-60 minutes. Usually, the endomorph is a sugar burner and will find that doing long duration cardio at a moderate pace works well.

Another cardio variation that can be implemented once or twice a week is High Intensity Interval Training, also known as HIIT. This is just a form of cardio where you vary moderate and high intensity.

An example is, walking for two minutes and then light jogging for two minutes. Keeping this back and forth cardio rotation works well. This prevents cardio-adaptation and keeps the body off guard. If cardio and training are performed during the same session, cardio should be incorporated after resistance training.


Nutrition is important for the endomorph. This body type should be cautious of high complex carbohydrate intake, although carbohydrates are needed. The endomorph should eat smaller, more frequent meals to keep the blood sugar level stable and the metabolism high. Carb-cycling works well for this particular body type.

Also, it is important to NOT skip meals. Doing so will only slow down the metabolism.

Shoot for one gram of protein per pound of lean body mass and 1-1.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight and lower the carbohydrate amount slightly each week.

Keep the fat intake at 20% and increase it slightly when you decrease complex carbs.

The best way for this body type to get the excess weight off is to eventually bring the carbohydrates down to the lower end of the spectrum. This body type should include a wide variety of non-starchy vegetables, complete protein, and some essential fatty acids. Have one simple/complex carbohydrate meal 20 minutes following training for proper muscle recovery and nutrient transportation.

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Conclusion to Female workouts

Even though you may be big-boned, it's not a prison sentence. Knowing your body type is the first step, then making appropriate adjustments to your program can make successful changes in your body.

Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT - Female Workouts Specialist

P.S. Need help with your nutrition and training to get that drop-dead, head-turning body? You can get all the raw muscle gaining and fat burning facts to build a stunning bod in Iron Dolls - Women's Bodybuilding and Female Workouts Secrets.

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